well, here i am...

this is a new-ish blog. i'm looking for input. read! comment! email me! and my blog will get better

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

the first debate

well, Barack Obama and John McCain have finally gone at it face-to-face, and let me tell you, i was really not impressed (except with Jim Lehrer, the moderator). McCain was pulling his usual crap, being hyperagressive and angry. I find his reference to himself as a "maverick" incredibly amusing. It makes me think about Tom Cruise's character in Top Gun. It’s been pretty damn well established that he voted with Bush most of the time. i actually recently saw the most wonderful anti-McCain sign ever:" John McCain for president: Get off my Lawn, whippersnappers". seriously, he was acting like every stereotypical angry old veteran ever. Even though he'll probably be better than Mr. Bush, not that that's particularly hard, he's likely to die while still in office, leaving us with Sarah Palin as president. woo, first woman president! Shit, she thinks that humans and dinosaurs coexisted. we're fucked. royally. she also wants to make rape victims pay for their own rape kits AND deny them the right to an abortion. this is UTTER CRAP! If someone gets raped, do you seriously want them to just have a child, even when they're thirteen? when someone wants to ban the dictionary from the library because it contains words like "fuck", you know they're clinically insane.
Obama, on the other hand, was far too condescending. when you agree with the other guy while he attacks you, you make yourself seem like an idiot. while his poise was a point in his favor, i can't really think that he'll win over independents while being this...weak, i guess.

favorite phrases from each candidate:
McCain: "Senator Obama doesn't understand..."
Obama: "Senator McCain is absolutely right..."
'nuff said

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