well, here i am...

this is a new-ish blog. i'm looking for input. read! comment! email me! and my blog will get better

Sunday, September 21, 2008

a poem i wrote

see also:
open your mind. open it wide.
if you want to survive, in this,
the most cruel of worlds.
"how do i do this?" you may ask.
start by thinking.
what do these mean?
they mean you've begun to jumpstart
your thoughts.

side effects may include:
stirrings of rebellion
depression about the world
pity for those swept along
by the tides of "culture"
an uncommon tendency towards thinking
paying attention to events around you
turning off the TV
enjoyment of the simple things in life
ignoring the Man

do not operate heavy machinery
while your mind is open
as it could cause a rare but dangerous
disease known in most circles
as intelligence.

do not open your mind if you are on
any prescription mind-altering drugs,
as it may lead to a really depressing

you know why:
the world is not as it should be

now listening to: Elizabeth Part III: Requiem for the Innocent by Kamelot

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