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Monday, September 15, 2008

and back to politics and social issues

so, since everyone else in any sort of media anywhere ever seems to be putting in their two cents worth about Sarah Palin, i figured i'd follow suit and post something of my own thoughts.
  • i saw her acceptance speech, and it wasn't terrible. rhetorically, she's got her shit together, i just don't happen to agree with much that she said, if anything
  • if it's true that the major force behind her nomination was a blogger, well then, kudos to you, my good sir
  • pregnancy, pregnancy, pregnancy. so her daughter is pregnant. A) use a fucking condom, but B) i respect at least the father's willingness to stay with the child, even if i think she should have gotten an abortion, it's her choice (a word that many RNC attendees seemed loath to utter, at least on national television)
  • great, so she SAYS she can see Russia from her back porch. she actually can't, considering that Wasilla is nowhwere near Russia. wonderful, you have foreign policy experience WITH BEARS (which we have the constitutional right to arm)!! they're the only things that live in the part of russia that she can see.
  • the "executive experience" question: i read this morning in the paper that the republicans dissed a democratic VP possibility for having been mayor of a "smallish town" with a population of 200,000, at least 30 times more than that of the town Palin was mayor of
  • i know she didn't actually ban books (Oakland Tribune), but she DID fire the Wasilla librarian. twice.
  • she kills wolves. from a helicopter. with a high-powered rifle. if you want to kill something that magnificent, at least do it the honor of stalking it on foot and killing it from a blind, rather than with a high-powered rifle from 100 feet in the air. she also has offered hunters a $150 subsidy for each wolf leg they bring in.
  • apparently she got the state to pay her for commuting back to her home. 'nuff said.
  • the whole bridge to nowhere fiasco deserves no comment and shall receive none.

so that's basically my views on Sarah Palin. try to find the SNL with Tina Fey as her and Amy Poehler as Hillary. hi-fucking-larious

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