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Thursday, October 2, 2008

and on to the VP debate

Joe Biden has a problem. It’s an unfair problem but it's still a problem. In his debate with Palin, he has two options: correct all of Palin's errors and show off his knowledge and intellect, but seem like a bully to the young, inexperienced, female governor from Alaska. I’m not saying that Palin can't take care of herself, but seriously. Pundits, don't go easy on her just so that you don't get called a misogynist. She should be able to take care of herself, and especially considering McCain's health, she could very well end up in the hot seat holding most of the power in this nation. Don’t do the huge disrespect to the woman by coddling her.

Sarah Palin. She’s quite possibly the most irritating person out there. I don't know how many of you have seen the debate, but can you think about the way she says "also" about every other sentence. It’s great that she didn't say "um" a lot, which I half-expected considering the stress of this kind of debate, but her speech was just annoying. She looked like a robot. No motion, no accent, no emotion. Biden, on the other hand, CRIED ON NATIONAL TELEVISION! THE MAN HAS EMOTIONS . . . HE WAS TALKING ABOUT HIS DEAD WIFE!! And Palin just sat there and responded to his point without so much as an acknowledgment. Now there's a turnaround in stereotypes. A sensitive, emotional man and a harsh, businesslike woman. One of my personal favorite phrases she used was (to misquote somewhat) "all the Joe Sixpacks and Hockey Moms out there." take every guy named Joe who has a sixpack, and every person who considers themselves a hockey mom, and you get maybe 0.1% of the US population, and that's really pushing it.

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