well, here i am...

this is a new-ish blog. i'm looking for input. read! comment! email me! and my blog will get better

Sunday, May 25, 2008

more politcal nonsense

i don't know how many of you have heard about Hillary Clinton's "Bobby Kennedy" comment. it goes basically like this (paraphrase): Bill Clinton didn't win the nomination until June in California. and Bobby Kennedy was assassinated in June in California, so don't write me off yet. this was a horrible thing to say. not only was it offensive, it also probably lost her some votes by bringing up this tragic event and implying, though maybe not intentionally, that people should keep her on in case Obama gets assassinated. and then get this: when she apoligizes for it, she says basically "if my comment was offensive, I'm sorry", as if it's other people's fault for being sensitive! she really just needs to go away or concede the nomination and work on trying to unify the party to beat John McCain.

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