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Tuesday, April 22, 2008

music and religion

disclaimer: before you read this, realize this: IT'S OFFENSIVE!!! if you don't like it, you have two choices: 1) post a comment, with your LOGICALLY THOUGHT OUT counter-argument. at least it'll show that i have some readership, or 2) just go away

so, on to the actual post!
it seems to me that religious institutions have been critical of music ever since, well, secular music started. so, i figure it's about time i addressed the issue, especially considering that much of the music i listen to could be branded as anti-religious, but is in fact the OPPOSITE.
let's start with some random examples
1) Evanescence
they've been referred to recently as "goth", which is A) not the case (some of their songs are gothic, but they've stated specifically that they're not goth) and B) seemingly equated with "satanic" to many minds. now let's check out some lyrics:
Tourniquet: "My God, my tourniquet, return to me salvation", and "Christ, tourniquet, my silver sword". that seems to belong on the christian charts to me.
2) AC/DC: you've got me there. i'm just not going to try to make the argument.
3) Epica
a band with some actual gothic tendencies, but look at these lyrics from their most recent album. the track is "Living a Lie"
"Domine Jesu,
Demitte nobis debita nostra
Salva nos ab igne inferiore
Perduc in caelum omnes animas
Praesertim eas, quae misericordiae tuae maxime indigent
In nomine patris, et filii, et spiritus sancti
lessee, second word: Jesus; third line (a rough translation): save us from the lower fire (in all likelihood, hell); last two lines: in the name of the father, and the son, and the holy spirit, amen
the fact that it's in latin just means that the band cares enough

this begs the question: is the relationship between religious institutions and secular music a reciprocated one? well, not really. we just choose not to listen to your music, so we don't waste our time and then have our critiques fall on deaf ears. instead, we just go our own merry way. the only time i've ever complained about "christian music", except when there are 10-minute infomercials, which just need to go away. forever. seriously, just listen to the kind of music you like, and don't rag on other people's choices (except if that choice is Slipknot. in that case, by all means, rag!)

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