well, here i am...

this is a new-ish blog. i'm looking for input. read! comment! email me! and my blog will get better

Monday, April 14, 2008


really, it doesn't get much more epic than this: a bunch of high-schoolers running around in the woods playing Capture the Flag
seriously, the only thing that could possibly make this any more epic would either be A) doing this in zero-G, or B) an injection that gives people random superpowers for the four hours that the games last. however, since neither of those are likely to happen, i'm going to have to go with this as pretty fucking epic.

also: i'm in the middle of an awesome photo project for my school. so, when i'm done, i'll try to get some of my pics up on this blog. IMHO, they're pretty good. i do, however, invite criticism/critiques/commentary

btw, sorry for the apparently-unfixable fontsize issues in this post. i can't seem to fully get the hang of this composer yet

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