well, here i am...

this is a new-ish blog. i'm looking for input. read! comment! email me! and my blog will get better

Monday, March 31, 2008

a life update and my presidential endorsement--not that it matters

well, i cut school today to go skiing. 'twas fun and all, but i got a bit tired early on and had to call it quits about 2 hours early. i did manage to get some nice runs in. spring skiing can be really fun if the snow's right, and it was for the morning.
onto more serious business:
the official endorsement of this blog in the 2008 democratic presidential primary goes to...
Senator Barack Obama (D-Ill)
the senator recieves my endorsement for the following reasons
  • his ability to bridge party lines, at least to the degree that they can be bridged
  • his rhetorical skill as a representative of the american people
  • the fact that i just couldn't stand a 4th dynastic presidency (John Adams and John Quincy Adams, Benjamin Harrison and William Henry Harrison, and the Bushes, have been the three previous ones)

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