well, here i am...

this is a new-ish blog. i'm looking for input. read! comment! email me! and my blog will get better

Friday, April 20, 2007

if you're reading this, you know who you are

i recently got an email from one of my friends about the title of this blog: i believe it read, "that name is the emo-est thing EVAR. wtff." i would like to point out a couple of things:
  1. wtff should be followed by a question mark (?)
  2. im not emo. its just that if you're reading this and i don't know you, chances are i probably don't like you. that's just my natural reaction to people until proven otherwise, and while some people may call that being emo, i prefer the term paranoia, and it will save my life some day... i just don't know when


Captain Starcat said...

that was me, haha

and wtff doesn't necessarily have to have a question mark after it, just so you know. and I should know, I invented the term *glares*


Butterfly said...

I don't care what you say, you are emo, do0d. :P

Your doom impends you...


GuitarSniper said...

everyone's doom impends them, unless they be immortal, which i assure you any of us are not